Daily Archives: December 3, 2014

Follow the market as well as your dreams 1

A lot of the advice or habits to be a rocket scientist are the same no matter what industry or profession you pursue.  Assuming you want to be happy, productive, and well compensated… You need to know your strengths and your passions, and be able to communicate these to others.  You also need to understand […]

Orion test launch is tomorrow 3

Tomorrow is a huge milestone event for NASA, Lockheed Martin, everyone involved with the Orion space vehicle, and every rocket science fan.  At 7:05AM Eastern time it will have a test launch from a pad in Florida.  You can watch the live stream event (along with me) here: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#.VH9Fy0hSa8F They have already activated the live […]