A few months ago, I created a survey to gain insights into the most urgent needs and frustrations of people who have subscribed to this blog. I thank everyone, once again, who participated in that survey.
Some of those people got a follow up email from me to clarify or explain more about their challenges with starting, advancing, or transitioning into an aerospace career.
There was even a few people who I had the pleasure and privilege of talking with on the phone about their career challenges and goals.
Based on what I heard and read, I’ve been working hard to develop something new and unique that will help people have a successful career in aerospace or aviation. It will use my 20 years (+/-) of experience in aerospace fields plus where I see the future needs and opportunities. A lot of our world is changing. Are we making the changes we need to compete, succeed, and thrive?
If you would like a sneak peak into this new tool that I’m creating, let me know. If you tell me something about your current situation and agree to give me your honest feedback on it, I’ll let you have a look. Email me at brett@howtobearocketscientist.com. Or contact me on Twitter, @BrettRocketSci.
It’s a challenging world out there, but we still need more rocket scientists! And we need them to be successful!
Thanks for your passion and dedicated to make a unique impact in this amazing profession. If you have any other requests or interests for topics on this blog, I’ll be happy to hear from you about those too. There’s a convenient comment form below. Think about your biggest question, write out your thoughts, and click submit to let me know!