Tip #3 in my book How To Be a Rocket Scientist is Associate with people in the field. Conferences are an exciting, fun, and powerful way to do that. Earlier this month, AIAA hosted one of its major conferences of the year: SciTech 2015 in Kissimmee, FL.
If you missed it, AIAA now has a summary of 15 major sessions on its website, listed here as Headlines from SciTech 2015. Even if you did attend, it’s impossible to attend every session so this is a great page to catch up on some discussions and points from many leaders in the aerospace world. Conferences provide this unique opportunity to hear directly from a large number of leaders on key issues facing the industry and profession.
There’s nothing like being there in person, but these headlines from AIAA (available to anyone) give a very valuable perspective on key issues and leading authorities today.
Regretfully, I wasn’t able to attend this one myself. Getting to some key conferences is a definitely a goal and priority for me in 2015. We may not achieve all of our goals, but if you are a member of AIAA (like me) you can get access to more content and output from conferences like these after the fact. Professional societies also offer ways to join remotely or virtually to events with webcasts and live streaming since there are many of us who can’t attend in person for various reasons.
Thanks AIAA for putting on the event and providing these headlines from the major sessions! Events like SciTech 2015 and organizations like AIAA are powerful ways you can associate with others in the aerospace field.
Disclosure: This is not a paid advertisement and I am not acting in any formal or official capacity with AIAA.