guest article

Passionate About Gaming? Here’s How to Convert It Into a Great Career

Here is a helpful contribution from one of the website’s fans. Micah Norris, from Ohio in the USA, has some great advice to turn your passion for gaming into a rewarding career. Thank you Micah for these resourceful career planning tips! Play the game of life right and you’ll score big. — Brett If you’re […]

Educational Resources to Help Your College-Bound Teen

From Brett — I’m happy to provide a helpful guest article from Patrick Young from If you have a teenager heading off to college soon (or are one yourself) then read on for many practical strategies for success. If you have an older kid preparing for college admissions, the prospect of getting behind may […]

These 6 Tips Are the Key to Achieving Your Goals

From Brett — this is a guest post from Patrick Young at Able USA ( He is a fan of this website and is doing admirable, heroic work at Able USA. If you’re someone with special needs or caring for someone with special needs in America (or anywhere in the world for that matter) you […]

How Can the Aerospace Industry (and Space Professionals) Enter the Gig Economy?

Note from Brett: This is a special and exclusive guest post from Tom Cooke, co-Founder and CEO of Spacely. Two of the major take-aways I want people to understand and appreciate from my book “How To Be a Rocket Scientist” (and by extension this website) is that an entrepreneurial mindset is essential in today’s world. […]

How You – yes YOU – can Build and Fly Space Experiments!

This is a special guest post from Elizabeth Kennick, President of Teachers in Space Did you know, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to do your own space research? Teachers in Space has helped teachers, students, and other space enthusiasts build, fly, and collect data from low cost experiments since 2012.  From eleventh-graders […]

Space Renaissance International

An Introduction to the Space Renaissance movement from its co-founder

I am thrilled to provide this guest article from Adriano Autino, the President and co-founder of Space Renaissance International. Whether you are technically a rocket scientist or not, or ever will be one, the space renaissance is open to everyone who chooses to join it. If you share the values of SRI, as I do, […]