From Brett — this is a guest post from Patrick Young at Able USA ( He is a fan of this website and is doing admirable, heroic work at Able USA. If you’re someone with special needs or caring for someone with special needs in America (or anywhere in the world for that matter) you could get a lot from what you find at their website. These 6 tips are good for anyone, whether you are pursuing a trajectory in aerospace or not. Thanks for the tips, Patrick!
What’s holding you back from pursuing your goals? You probably have a list of reasons why it’s not the right time or examples of how life has gotten in the way of your goals. However, more often than not, it’s our own selves that hold us back from achieving what we want. From self-doubt to procrastination, we can frequently be our own worst enemies.
However, it’s time to end all that. Let’s make 2022 the year we knock that item off our bucket lists. Here’s how to make it happen, presented by How to Be a Rocket Scientist.
Have Faith in Yourself
If you don’t believe that you can achieve your goals, other people won’t believe it either. With that in mind, pay close attention to your thoughts, and when you notice self-doubt and pessimism creeping in, swap your negative thoughts for something encouraging. It’s amazing how much of an impact negative self-talk has on your self-esteem, but reciting positive mantras can help build that confidence back up.
Make Your Goals Specific
Making your goals specific is the first rule of SMART goal-setting, and there’s a reason it’s considered the best way to actually achieve your goals. After all, how can you accomplish something if you can’t define it? Instead of setting nebulous goals, make your goals specific. For example, if you’ve had it in mind to look for a new place to live, set aside some time to get started. Use websites like to start your search for a new place (Sacramento has many lovely neighborhoods to consider), and then follow up if you discover a listing that strikes your fancy. Whatever goal you decide to set, ensure it’s something you can realistically achieve.
Fix the Habits That Are Holding You Back
Productivity and self-discipline come naturally to some people. For the rest of us, it’s a constant struggle to stay focused on our goals, not the endless distractions vying for our attention. Identify the bad habits that keep you from chasing your goals — do you spend too much time procrastinating, get stuck in analysis paralysis, or sit idly waiting for inspiration to strike? Once you know what is holding you back, ask yourself why. Are you afraid of what might go wrong or of failing completely? Instead of letting fear paralyze you, use Tim Ferriss’ fear-setting exercise to identify and move past your fears. Mindful Ambition explains the fear-setting process.
Remember Your “Why”
You have a big reason behind your goal. Maybe you want to achieve financial freedom, pursue a long-held passion, or be a role model for your kids. Whatever your true motivation, it’s the fuel that keeps you chasing after your goals even when it gets tough. When you’re discouraged and talking yourself out of taking the next steps toward a goal you’ve set, take a moment to remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place.
Hold Yourself Accountable
Holding yourself accountable is the only way to make steady progress toward your goals. There are lots of ways to practice accountability. The Chopra Center recommends sharing goals with friends and family, finding an accountability buddy who is after the same goal, or use apps or journals to track your progress. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how you hold yourself accountable — it just matters that it works.
Celebrate Yourself!
When you achieve your goal this year, don’t downplay it or brush it off. You’ve accomplished something important to you, and you deserve to be proud of yourself! Not only does celebrating yourself feel good, but it also orients your mind toward success.
By Patrick Young at
Image via Unsplash