
You can be a rocket scientist for a weekend in October

The weekend of October 5th & 6th in 2024 offers the special chance for anyone – including you who is reading this – to be a “rocket scientist” who makes a real product and impact! This will be the next annual NASA Space Apps Challenge. This is a weekend hackathon where teams assemble from people […]

SpaceKids Global competition to become a space journalist

There are many pathways to become a “rocket scientist.” One career out there related to rocket science is a space journalist. How can you become a space journalist if you are a kid 8 to 12 years old? If you know a child in the USA, the SpaceKids Global organization has a fantastic competition open […]

Channel your passions into space with the NASA Space Apps Challenge weekend

Coming up soon – on the weekend of October 7 & 8, 2023, the annual NASA International Space Apps Challenge is happening again. Know what a hackathon is? If so, this is one focused on 30 goals, or projects, or “challenges” defined by NASA. Don’t know what a hackathon is but are eager to learn […]

The first editions of GOODNIGHT MOON BASE land today 1

A journey two years in the making comes to an exciting milestone today. At the end of 2019, I concluded that the most effective way to foster future generations of rocket scientists was to start as early and as young as possible. That meant reaching out to and connecting with toddlers and infants. For those […]

My first-hand account of the Alpha rocket launch by Firefly Aerospace 1

OVERVIEW On September 2, 2021, the first rocket from the space exploration startup company Firefly Aerospace made its first attempt at launch. It was the boldest first rocket launch attempt ever in the history of humankind: to go directly into orbit on the very first try with the first rocket engineered and produced by a […]

My Mission: Including Kids in Our Return To the Moon

Thanks to a new renaissance of space flight, several companies and nations are working toward the return of people to our Moon. This time, we will be there TO STAY. The day (and night) when we can look up to our Moon and say “there are people living up there” will be here soon.Our children and […]

Advancing Careers in Space with WEX Foundation in San Antonio, Texas 2

Exploring in simulated lunar caves. Launching high altitude balloons. Programming robots and autonomous vehicles. Designing and producing objects with 3-D printers. This is how advancing careers in space is done with the WEX Foundation, an educational nonprofit based in San Antonio, Texas, that happens to be founded by a sought-after space architect, Sam Ximenes. The […]

Can we talk about a space exploration book for kids ages 3-5

What is the youngest age that we can inspire kids with the topic of space exploration? As someone who wants to see more “rocket scientists” in the world, that is a question I’ve been asking myself as 2020 comes to a close. For the teachers and educators out there – When is the soonest in […]