From rocket science to drones – this new book on drones is delivering value 2

Hello friends and champions of innovative aerospace career trajectories! If you are paying any attention at all to our world, you know that unmanned aerial systems (UAS) – or drones as they are commonly called – are a revolutionizing our world much like the airplane revolutionized our world in the early 1900’s.

We have serious challenges, however.  Real problems, to be honest.

What happens when you have an industrial-grade piece of equipment that operates in the national airspace, yet it is available in a neighborhood store that also sells movies, home entertainment systems, and video games?

You have dozens of entrepreneurs, companies, municipalities – even government agencies – using drones without the proper knowledge, procedures, training, and systems necessary to use these drones legally, safely, and productively.

This is a big problem that doesn’t have any silver bullet solution. It is a complex combination of systems, people, projects, and business concerns that are evolving in a very rapid fashion.

With great challenges come great opportunities, however.  That’s why I decided we need a substantial tool to help us make drones operations safe, legal, and professional.

I’m excited and happy to announce my latest book which is now available on Amazon: Success with Drones in Civil Engineering

The book has 3 major sections that are all necessary to have comprehensive and meaningful success with commercial drones:

  • Systems thinking success with drones
  • Project management success with drones
  • Business success with drones

While the book title focuses on civil engineering, the fundamentals in the book should apply to anyone and everyone who wants to build a viable and sustainable commercial operation with drones.

Here are some other places where you can learn about the book.  It has been getting noticed in a lot of notable places where people are serious about success with drones.

Here is an interview with me and Jeremiah Karpowicz, the Editor in Chief of Commercial UAV News.  If you want a conversational look into the book and my motivations for writing it, you should enjoy this interview:

A New Resource for Civil Engineers and Drone Entrepreneurs


The book has a lot of case studies and statistics about successful drone operations.   Some examples are with emergency recovery systems – aka parachutes.  Here are some statistics from Fruity Chutes parachutes which are used on many of the leading industrial unmanned aerial systems in the world;

When has a parachute saved a drone?


The book has a very extensive list of Additional Resources in the Appendix. Some of those resources are sources of news and commentary on commercial drones or civil engineering innovation.  The book has been receiving positive attention in many of those go-to news sources.  One of them is the “Dronin’ On” weekly email newsletter from Christopher Korody with or db.c:

The ‘Whole Lotta Shaking’ issue of Dronin’ On 05.19.18


Brett Hoffstadt, the Vice President of the Drone Pilots Federation, has a new book out, Success with Drones in Civil Engineering: An Accelerated Guide to Safe, Legal, and Profitable OperationsBrett told me that the book includes some 50 lessons learned since Part 107 went into effect “So that readers can benefit from others’ often painful and costly experience.”  Get it.


The book has over 50 lessons learned that give you practical experience from others’ (sometimes very painful and costly) mistakes.  Better to learn from theirs first before you repeat them yourself, right?

There are also many success stories and bright spots captured in the book.  In fact, readers will find some exclusive discounts and incentives for leading products and services related to commercial drones.  These deals guarantee that the book will provide a lot of value for the small investment.

One of those suppliers who has a special discount code for readers of the book is Fruity Chutes.  Here is more information about their inclusion in the book

Fruity Chutes parachutes featured as a valuable resource in civil engineering book


One more article to share so you can learn about the book.  Here is a guest post I wrote at Commercial UAV News about the book.  This article is an adaptation of the book’s Introduction.  It will give you a nice preview so you can decide if the book is worth reading.  If you are doing any work with commercial drones, I sincerely believe it will be.

What Does it Mean to Enable Success With Drones in Civil Engineering?

What Does it Mean to Enable Success With Drones in Civil Engineering?

It’s exciting and humbling to see the positive reactions this book is getting from leaders in the civil engineering and commercial drone world.

But the most important thing is how this book can benefit YOU and your efforts with commercial drones, if you are involved in this business.  If you have any effort or interest in the topic of drones for civil engineering, please check out the book on Amazon by clicking on the image below.  It’s available as an ebook or paperback.

Feedback from early readers is that there is a lot in the book that will help anyone in the larger industries known as AEC – Architecture, Engineering, and Construction.

If you also care about the safe, legal, and productive uses of drones in our world, I thank you for your efforts to improve our world. My sincere thanks for anything you do to use this book to help your efforts or to let others know about it so it can help them too.

Here’s to your success!


About Brett Rocket Scientist

Brett creates artful work in engineering, ideas, and innovation. In addition to 2 degrees, 3 patents, and over 15 years experience in aerospace engineering, he is the author of several books to foster STEM careers. He volunteers his time and skills as an officer with professional societies.

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2 thoughts on “From rocket science to drones – this new book on drones is delivering value

  • Charles J Gervasi

    Is this book for people wanting to hire a drone company, people wanting to provide drone services, or people involved in civil engineering who want to add this capability to their practice.

    • Brett Rocket Scientist Post author

      Hi Charles. The book is for all of those people if they want to develop a successful solution for drones in civil engineering applications. There isn’t a one-method-fits-all approach in terms of hiring a drone service provider or adding the capability internally, so I made a conscious effort to cover all of those perspectives and options. People in each of these roles will find information directly relevant to them. And they will benefit from learning more about the other person’s perspectives, needs, and concerns.

      I hope people will give me some feedback on which situations are most relevant to them, and which parts of the book provide the most value, what needs improvement, or what would be fine to eliminate.

      Is there one of those perspectives you ask about that is most important to you?

      Thanks again for the question Charles. Brett