The dearMoon mission contest (which I first wrote about here: Bringing an artist mindset to rocket science with the dearMoon mission) is still underway.
Everyone who pre-registered and wanted to continue for a chance to be one of 8 people on the 2023 SpaceX Starship flight around the moon with Yusaka Maezawa (MZ) and his companions had to submit an INITIAL SCREENING response by March 22nd, 2021.
Besides some basic biographical and demographic info, everyone had to submit a short (300 words or less) written response to two essay “questions.”
I’m going to share those questions and my responses with you here. It makes me a little nervous and self-conscious to share them with you. But I applied for a seat on the dearMoon mission because I believe the future of humanity on the moon is so important, we need to encourage the right type of settlement on this first of the New Worlds for humans in the cosmos.
If you like what I’ve said, I will be grateful for anything you do to share my responses with the hashtag #dearMoon on whatever social media platforms you can. MZ and the dearMoon selection team are watching social media to see who has support for a seat on the mission!
dearMoon Initial Screening Question #1: Tell us about a project/activity you feel passionate about.
The relationship of humanity to the cosmos is about to change. Soon we will live on worlds beyond our home planet. First will be our Moon. Then Mars. Eventually, beyond our solar system.
But the first home beyond Earth is the most important. It will define our trajectory into the cosmos. How will we begin? How will other more advanced civilizations perceive and judge us? Will they welcome us? Will they be disappointed? Or worse?
Thus, my excitement for this future is tempered by deep anxiety. We can create a new civilization based on peace, cooperation, and prosperity. Or will it be for less positive purposes?
Our decades of 02020 through 02050 are our only chance – thus our responsibility – to define how and why we will live, work, and play on our first permanent home beyond Earth.
I am convinced that if we can create an overwhelmingly positive vision of our first home on the moon, this vision will manifest itself into physical reality.
To define this vision and spread it throughout the world, I am publishing the children’s bedtime storybook “Goodnight Moon Base.” It is scheduled to be published in November 2021. Through the words and illustrations in this book, my goal is for humanity to manifest this artistic vision into our future physical reality.
I am also grateful and excited for the dearMoon mission to provide irresistible fuel (spiritual, emotional, and artistic) towards the vision of a generous and benevolent humanity thriving in the cosmos. Thank you for your visionary passion and dedication to conduct the dearMoon mission. I wish you and everyone associated with it – including our future descendants – the most magnificent success and impact.
dearMoon Initial Screening Question #2: By taking part in dearMoon how will your project/activity evolve and how will you be able to contribute to society?
I am convinced that the upcoming decades of 02020 through 02040 have profound importance for humanity’s destiny in the cosmos. When we begin living permanently on other worlds beyond Earth, our future as a species will be forever changed.
To be a positive force within the cosmos, welcomed and uplifted by other intelligent species, my participation in the dearMoon mission can bring more awareness, passion, and dedication towards the vision of a peaceful, cooperative, and prosperous human settlement on the moon as projected in my children’s bedtime storybook “Goodnight Moon Base.”
If enough people – especially children – focus their conscious and subconscious energies on this vision, it WILL manifest itself into physical reality. Perhaps my trip on the dearMoon mission will serve as the first “site survey” trip for these locations.
The timing of the dearMoon mission is perfect. Children who have Goodnight Moon Base read to them as babies and toddlers in 02023 will grow up to be some of the first settlers on our first permanent moon civilization. While I may not be alive to see that, my hope is that eventually there will be children ON the moon who have the book read to them at their bedtime.
This is how I hope to leave a legacy and impact to the future of humanity. Beyond Earth. Thank you for your consideration to include me on your mission so that this impact may be made more likely. And stronger.
Thank you for your visionary passion and dedication to conduct the dearMoon mission. I wish you and everyone associated with it – including our future descendants – the most profound success and impact.
There you go. Maybe there I go?? The website said that applicants should be notified by the end of April whether they advance to the next round or not. I don’t know what the competition is like, but I’m sure there are many awesome candidates from the several hundred thousands of people who applied. (I don’t know the exact number but I saw one mention of over 300,000 people from across the world.)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my application with a comment below or with a share of support on social media. If you aren’t familiar with my upcoming book GOODNIGHT MOON BASE, please check that out here.
And please stay tuned to this blog to learn what happens next for me with the dearMoon mission. Thanks, Brett