You can be a rocket scientist for a weekend in October

The weekend of October 5th & 6th in 2024 offers the special chance for anyone – including you who is reading this – to be a “rocket scientist” who makes a real product and impact!

This will be the next annual NASA Space Apps Challenge. This is a weekend hackathon where teams assemble from people throughout a community – in-person or online – to tackle 1 of several “challenges” posed by NASA.

This year’s theme is “the sun touches everything.” If you love solar power, our Sun, astronomy, or solar physics – this is especially the weekend for you!

People who register and pick a location or group to join will be given access to NASA data and resources about our sun. Whether it is looking at the impact of solar flares, predicting the impacts of solar EMP events on Earth and human systems, creating designs for space-based solar power systems, or something else exciting about our sun – whatever skills and passions you can bring to this event can be part of a team to create fun new creations.

We are living in an exciting world where people – including you – can PICK YOURSELF to be a “rocket scientist.” You don’t need anyone’s permission to participate in the 2024 NASA Space Apps Challenge (as long as you are 18 years or older. If you are younger, share this post with your parent or legal guardian so they can register you.)

Then look for a local in-person event near you. Doing it in person is much better than online if it’s possible. But doing something is better than nothing!

Find and register for an online group if you can’t find a local in-person event that you can get yourself to.

Register ahead of time and then make your plans to be a rocket scientist for a weekend in October.

By the way, if you aren’t participating in a team, these events greatly benefit from other people who can be volunteers, mentors, or sponsors. So please consider that role for yourself or others you know too!

I happen to be an organizer for the NASA Space Apps Challenge local event near me in Folsom, California. If you happen to be in my vicinity, or know someone who is, this is the local event you should register for:

About Brett Rocket Scientist

Brett creates artful work in engineering, ideas, and innovation. In addition to 2 degrees, 3 patents, and over 15 years experience in aerospace engineering, he is the author of several books to foster STEM careers. He volunteers his time and skills as an officer with professional societies.

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